In this post we'll see how to recover data from your hard drives.Many-a-times we lose our precious files to shift-delete mania!
Once you accidently delete your files you can still recover these files from your PC thanks to these tools below but we need to do some preparatory
work before we recover files.
First you should calm down! You will do more harm than good if you
are panicking!
Second, find an external drive or storage big enough to store your backup
of the drive you want to recover the files from.You don't want to lose
anymore data while recovering the old data!
Third, make a folder recovery on the external drive to
store the recovered files.
Now let's see these tools...
1. Foremost: This is a good tool to recover the files from a drive.
It is a console based program.First you should install
sudo apt-get install foremost
Find the name of your disks using command
sudo fdisk -l
You can also find the size of the partition using
sudo fdisk -s /dev/sda1 (name of the partition is /dev/sda1)
Now i wanted to recover the data from a pendrive and it's name
is /dev/sdb1
So here's the data recovery part:
Create an image of the drive by this command:
sudo dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/home/mypendriveimage.img
(Make sure you have sufficient space for output image)
Remember this takes some time so be patient!
Change ownership of image:
sudo chown /home/mypendriveimage.img
Now make recovery folder in the drive you want to save the
recovered files.I'll use my home folder.
mkdir ~/recovery
Now i'll recover pdfs from pendrive image.You can recover
other type of files by appending the file types after
-t option using commas(,).
foremost -vqQ -o recovery/ -t pdf -i mypendriveimage.img
And after this completes check your recovery folder!
2. Scalpel : It is also a good tool to recover files.It is based on foremost
but it requires you to edit a configuration file before you can
recover files from the drive.
First you should install scalpel.
sudo apt-get install scalpel
Edit your configuration file using gedit
sudo gedit /etc/scalpel/scalpel.conf
Remove the # sign before the file types you want to recover
and save the configuration file.
Now run the following command to recover data.
sudo scalpel /dev/sdb1 -o ~/recovery (my output folder is recovery)
Make sure you have proper space or the process won't complete!
Once this completes check your recovery folder!
3. Photorec : This is also a command line tool but the interface is very good.
Download photorec from here:
If you know how to install from source then good but if you don't
look here.
Once you have installed photorec run it by using this command
sudo photorec
Select the drive from which you want to recover data:
Select partition type,partition,file system and directory:
Select the file types to recover:
Choose the location to store files:
and hit enter!
Check the directory to view recovered files!
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